
What Happens If Your House Doesn’t Pass a Home Inspection?

What Happens If Your House Doesn’t Pass a Home Inspection?

Selling your home is a long and arduous process. Amid everything to do, you will hit a few snags along the way. One of the snags you could come across is a failed home inspection.

Now, home inspections aren’t a pass or fail situation. If they were, almost every house would fail! So if your house receives a less-than-ideal grade, you don’t need to panic.

Here are a few things that will happen if your home receives a poor grade upon inspection.


The FHA (Federal Housing Administration) will most likely make their assessment of your home and ask to make repairs before selling.

Common facets of a poor grade include drainage or foundation problems, plumbing issues, or electrical issues during a home inspection. In short, if any aspects of the home pose a danger to the current or future occupant, repairs are required for a trusted transaction.

Price Change

If the home inspection that you or the seller conducted comes up with negative outcomes, it doesn’t necessarily mean the deal is off right then and there. A home inspection is meant to inform both sides of the home's inner workings and overall functioning.

A potential buyer can still purchase the home in its condition. However, the buyer may negotiate the price down since they would have to make significant repairs to the home upon purchase.

You may be expecting a specific price from your home, but if the inspection finds glaring problems that need addressing soon, you may have to take the hit if you want it sold.

No Sale

It’s ultimately up to the buyer if they want to risk purchasing the home with a lousy inspection grade. If they can’t negotiate with you after the inspection results are present, they may just back out of the sale altogether.

Then, for you, it’s back to the drawing board. You may need to make repairs since the problems with your home are now detailed for anyone else who will be interested. Otherwise, you could take a loss on the property and sell it for a lower price.

Get Trusted Inspections With DMC Home Inspections

With 150 points of thorough inspection, DMC home inspections can help assess the hidden dangers in your home and get it ready to sell. Schedule an inspection online or give us a call at 612-310-1692 today!